In Bonn currently we are coordinating and / or are partner in the following EU projects: - GLOSTAR (ERC Advanced Grant)\\ - LEAP (ERC Advanced Grant)\\ - BEACON (ERC Starting Grant)\\ - Black Holes in a Violent Universe (COST Action MP0905)\\ - RadioNetFP7 (Research Infrastructure Project - “I3”)\\ - E-SQUID (FP7 - Space Programme)\\ - RadioNet3 (FP7 - Research Infrastructure Project - “I3”)\\ - GO-SKA (FP7 - Research Infrastructure Project - Coordination Action)\\ - Pulsar Survey (FP7 - Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship)\\ - NewEVLA (FP7 - Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship)\\ - NEXPReS (FP7 - Research Infrastructure Project - “I3”)\\ - PrepSKA (FP7 - Research Infrastructure Project - “ESFRI”)\\