==== ERC grants - Info on the next calls & deadlines ==== Dear all,\\ \\ \\ The ERC has published preliminary information on the next calls. \\ \\ There are some changes with respect to the previous calls: \\ * **//Starters//** (2-7 years after PhD) and //**Consolidators**// (7-12 years after PhD) have separated calls. The Consolidators will be addressed with //**Consolidator Grants**// with a budget of around 2 Mio € (Starting Grants 1,5 Mio €). * There will be only one common deadline for each call for all panels. * The call for the //**Advanced Grants**// will be published earlier than in prior years. \\ Thus, the preliminary timetable is the following:\\ \\ **Starting Grant (ERC-2013-Stg)**\\ Publication of the call: 10 July 2012\\ Deadline: 17 October 2012\\ \\ => Note, that we are going to organise a Workshop for all MPIs and Caesar scientists interested in applying for an ERC Starting & Consolidator Grant on September 5, 2012 at the MPI für Radioastronomie in Bonn. We are going to send soon the invitation for this workshop.\\ \\ \\ **Advanced Grant (ERC-2013-AdG)**\\ Publication of the call: 10 July 2012\\ Deadline: 22 November 2012\\ \\ **Synergy Grant (ERC-2013-SyG)**\\ Publication of the call: 10 October 2012\\ Deadline: 10 January 2013\\ \\ **Consolidator Grant (ERC-2013-CoG)**\\ Publication of the call: 07 November 2012\\ Deadline: 21 February 2013\\ \\ \\ Further details, also concerning the budget for each program area, will be published with the new work program on 10 July 2012.\\ \\ **Please note, that there will be no call for the following year.** It is expected that the next call round will be started in December 2013 with deadlines in 2014, so that the first contracts could be concluded at the end of 2014!\\ \\ For any question please contact me (Office at the MPI für Radioastronomie: 2.29, Phone: 0228-525.495, //[[vt@mpifr.de|Viola Tegethoff]]//). \\ \\ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---\\ Viola Tegethoff\\ \\ - MPG Regional EU Office Bonn -\\ Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie\\ \\ Postfach 2024 * * * Tel.: +49 (0)228-525.495\\ D-53010 Bonn * * * Fax: +49 (0)228-525.229\\ Germany * * * e-mail: vt@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de\\