Dear All,\\ \\ The ERC has published today the Call for Proposals 2012 for the ERC Starting Grants. The deadline for the Panel Physical Sciences & Engineering will be October 12, 2011 (5 p.m. Brussels Time!).\\ \\ The total budget allocated to this Call is of 730 Mio. Euro. This budget will be distributed as follows:\\ \\ - Physical Sciences & Engineering: 44%\\ - Life Sciences: 39%\\ - Social Sciences & Humanities: 17%.\\ \\ ---- \\ \\ **What is an ERC Starting Grant?**\\ \\ The ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grants (ERC Starting Grants) are meant to support researchers (Principal Investigators) at the stage at which they are starting or consolidating their own independent research team or programme.\\ \\ Researchers within 2-12 years of research experience (after their PhD) may apply for a grant for a basic research project of up to 5 years. The grant covers the setting up of a small research group and all further costs related to conducting a pioneering (ground-breaking) research project. It is expected that PIs are able to demonstrate, via their track records (publications, awards and prizes, conference papers, funding ID), a high potential for research independence.\\ \\ A more detailed description of the ERC Starting Grants can be found attached to this email.\\ ---- \\ **Workshop "Applying for ERC Starting Grants"** \\ \\ For all those interested in applying for an ERC Starting Grant this or next year, there will be a Workshop "Applying for ERC Starting Grants" held on **//September 7, 2011//** at the MPI für Radioastronomie with detailed information on how to write and defend a competitive ERC proposal and the possibility for individual consultations. The invitation and program will be send in a separate email.\\ \\ \\ Please find attached the ERC Work Programme 2012. An introduction into the ERC Starting grants can be found on pp. 17-23. A description of the expected profile of an ERC Starting grant applicant is given on p. 18, an explanationon "what to write in the proposal" is given on pp. 19-21.\\ v Please note, that applications have to be submitted obligatory via the Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS). The EPSS still is not available. The link to the EPSS will be published on the ERC StG Call page:\\ \\ For any question please contact me (Office 2.29, Phone: -495, --- //[[|Viola Tegethoff]]//).\\ \\ \\ Best regards\\ \\ Viola Tegethoff\\ \\ \\ __Attachments__ 1. {{:info:vt-erc_wp_2012-_20-7-11.pdf|Work Programme ERC 2012}} 2. {{:info:vt-fact sheet_erc-stg_pe_2012.pdf|Fact Sheet ERC Starting Grant}} 3. {{:info:vt-_erc_starting_grants_ga_2012.pdf|Guide for Applicants ERC Starting Grants 2012}} \\ \\ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---\\ Viola Tegethoff\\ \\ - MPG Regional EU Office Bonn -\\ Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie\\ \\ Postfach 2024 * * * Tel.: +49 (0)228-525.495\\ D-53010 Bonn * * * Fax: +49 (0)228-525.229\\ Germany * * * e-mail:\\