- News
- European Research Framework Programs (FPs)
- Further Funding Possibilities
Proposal list:
Proposal list:
Dear all,
The ERC has published the Call for Proposals 2012 for the ERC Starting Grants. The deadline is as follows:
for all panels (Life Sciences, Physical Sciences & Engeneering, Social Sciences & Humanities).
ERC Starting Grants have a high reputation and therefore are highly competitive. Please note, that the ERC has split the two experience levels from the former ERC Starting Grants into two separated calls, the ERC Starting and the ERC Consolidator Grants. Therefore, for the ERC Starting Grant researchers may apply from 2-7 years after the PhD (or similar) degree. The evaluation will be done per panel. For more details please see the “Fact Sheet - ERC Starting/Consolidator Grant” in the attachment.
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Furthermore, on November 07, 2012 the call for the ERC Consolidator Grants will be published with deadline for all panels on February 21, 2013.
ERC Consolidator Grants are announced for the first time addressing researchers from 7-12 years after PhD (or similar) degree. For more details please see the “Fact Sheet - ERC Starting/Consolidator Grant” in the attachment.
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Please note, that there will be no call for the following year. It is expected that the next call round will be started in December 2013 with deadlines in 2014, so that the first contracts could be concluded at the end of 2014!
Workshop for Applicants
We would like to invite all researchers interested in the ERC Starting/Consolidator Grants to a workshop for applicants on September 5, 2012 at the MPI für Radioastronomie (Bonn). Information about the Call and the ERC Starting/Consolidator Grants will be given by the National Contact Point for the ERC and perspectives on the ERC Starting Grant will be given by a grantee (see the programme in the attachment).
Please send registrations via email to Viola Tegethoff (vt@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de) no later than August 31, 2012.
Please note that the workshop will be limited to 30 participants. The workshop will be free of charge. Please note that, unfortunately, travel costs cannot be reimbursed.
How to get to the MPI für Radioastronomie?
Please go to: travel info MPIfR
For any question please contact me (Office at the MPI für Radioastronomie: 2.29, Phone: 0228-525.495, Viola Tegethoff).
Best regards,
Viola Tegethoff & Salvatore Angiletta & Katja Hübel
1) Fact Sheet ERC StG/CoG
2) Agenda of the ERC StG/CoG Workshop
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Viola Tegethoff
- MPG Regional EU Office Bonn -
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Postfach 2024 * * * Tel.: +49 (0)228-525.495
D-53010 Bonn * * * Fax: +49 (0)228-525.229
Germany * * * e-mail: vt@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de