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Dear All,

The Calls for proposers 2012 for the Marie Curie Fellowships are open. The deadline for proposals in 2012 is August 16, 2012 (5 p.m, Brussels time).

For all those who are already planning possible proposal submissions for the next years:

The current Framework Program 7 will be ending in December 2013. The subsequent FP8 will also include funding possibilities within the European Research Council as well as under the Marie Curie Actions (for more information on FP8 can be found here). The funding conditions are still not known, but they might change.
The remaining deadlines in FP7 for Post docs and for building up a research group are:

  • For the Marie Curie Actions: there will be one more deadline in 2013, planned for August 14, 2013.
  • For the ERC Starting Grants there will one more deadline in 2012. Please note, there will be no call for proposers in 2013!
    1. Physical & Engineering Panel: likely on October 12, 2012
    2. Life Science Panel: likely on November 9, 2012
    3. Social Sciences & Humanities: likely on November 24, 2012

What are Marie Curie Fellowships?

Marie Curie Fellowships apply for postdoctoral researchers at all career stages or research experience. A researcher may submit any research topic and choose any suitable partner institution abroad (Europe or overseas, depending on the Fellowship scheme). One mayor requirement is a mobility phase, i.e. the researcher may not apply for a fellowship in the country where he/she is already residing / working (exception: the Outgoing International Fellowship).

The aim of the Marie Curie Programme is to support researchers with advanced research training to broaden their scientific expertise.

There are four different types of Marie Curie Fellowships, as well as one specific “sub-program”.
Please note, that for all Marie Curie Actions there are specific mobility rules

  1. European Grants (Intra-European Fellowships, IEF): Financial support for advanced training for European researchers for a period of 12 to 24 month. The host institution has to be located in another European country. Researchers of all nationalities may apply to this program, if they are already living / working in Europe.
    All relevant documents for the application and the Electronic Proposal Submission System can be found here:
    1. “Career restart” panel: There is a specific evaluation panel for researchers who had a break in their career because of e.g.parental leave, working period in a different area / sector, unemployment, etc. There are some specific mobility rules applying to this panel, therefore please check the Guide for Proposers or consult with the EU Office!
  2. Grants for Europeans to go outside Europe (Outgoing International Fellowships, IOF): Funding opportunities for experienced European researchers to boost their international career through 12 to 24 months training in a high-level research institution in a Third Country (e.g. USA, Canada, Japan). The IOF comprises a mandatory subsequent 12 month reintegration phase at a host institution in an EU Member State or Associated Country. This Program offers within the Marie Curie Program the unique possibility to apply for a fellowship e.g. with CAESAR to go for a certain period e.g. to the United States and to return to e.g. the former Max-Planck-Institut / CAESAR. This program is also open for international researchers having resided for at least 5 years in the European Union.
    All relevant documents for the application and the Electronic Proposal Submission System can be found here:

  3. Grants for Scientists to come (back) to Europe (International Incoming Fellowships): Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers from Third Countries (such as USA, China, Korea, Thailand, Australia, etc.) - and as a new rule - for Europeans having resided for at least two years in a Third Country, who are planning to carry out a research project in Europe. The research project can be funded between 12 and 24 months.
    All relevant documents for the application and the Electronic Proposal Submission System can be found here:

  4. Grants to establish a research career in a European country (Career Integration Grant, CIG): This grant is meant to assist researchers in establishing themselves in an institute in Europe, e.g. after a mobility phase outside Europe or another European Country. The funding period is of 24 to 48 months, the project size is of 25.000 Euro / year. The budget can be used to pay personnel costs (part of the own salary or for own staff), equipment, consumables, travel, etc. A requirement for this grant is that the host institute must offer the grantee a full time research position for at least the duration of the grant period. The next deadline for this program is on September 18, 2012.
    All relevant documents for the application and the Electronic Proposal Submission System can be found here:

Funding will be provided for the own salary and lump sums for research-, mobility- and training costs.

For any question please contact me (Office at the MPI für Radioastronomie: 2.29, Phone: 0228-525.495, Viola Tegethoff).

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Viola Tegethoff

- MPG Regional EU Office Bonn -
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie

Postfach 2024 * * * Tel.: +49 (0)228-525.495
D-53010 Bonn * * * Fax: +49 (0)228-525.229
Germany * * * e-mail:

public/info/mc_2012.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/13 15:18 (external edit)