- News
- European Research Framework Programs (FPs)
- Further Funding Possibilities
Proposal list:
Proposal list:
Dear All,
The Calls for proposers 2012 for the Marie Curie Fellowships are open. The deadline for proposals in 2012 is August 16, 2012 (5 p.m, Brussels time).
For all those who are already planning possible proposal submissions for the next years:
The current Framework Program 7 will be ending in December 2013. The subsequent FP8 will also include funding possibilities within the
European Research Council as well as under the Marie Curie Actions (for more information on FP8 can be found here). The funding conditions are still not known, but they might change.
The remaining deadlines in FP7 for Post docs and for building up a research group are:
What are Marie Curie Fellowships?
Marie Curie Fellowships apply for postdoctoral researchers at all career stages or research experience. A researcher may submit any research topic and choose any suitable partner institution abroad (Europe or overseas, depending on the Fellowship scheme). One mayor requirement is a mobility phase, i.e. the researcher may not apply for a fellowship in the country where he/she is already residing / working (exception: the Outgoing International Fellowship).
The aim of the Marie Curie Programme is to support researchers with advanced research training to broaden their scientific expertise.
There are four different types of Marie Curie Fellowships, as well as one specific “sub-program”.
Please note, that for all Marie Curie Actions there are specific mobility rules
Funding will be provided for the own salary and lump sums for research-, mobility- and training costs.
For any question please contact me (Office at the MPI für Radioastronomie: 2.29, Phone: 0228-525.495, Viola Tegethoff).
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Viola Tegethoff
- MPG Regional EU Office Bonn -
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Postfach 2024 * * * Tel.: +49 (0)228-525.495
D-53010 Bonn * * * Fax: +49 (0)228-525.229
Germany * * * e-mail: vt@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de